Active Sites
Developer | July 2003 | Percent | August 2003 | Percent | Change |
Apache | 13168488 | 67.54 | 13325183 | 67.28 | -0.26 |
Microsoft | 4676130 | 23.98 | 4839624 | 24.44 | 0.46 |
Zeus | 280953 | 1.44 | 265011 | 1.34 | -0.10 |
SunONE | 220630 | 1.13 | 213943 | 1.08 | -0.05 |
Totals for Active Servers Across All Domains June 2000 – August 2003
SunONE is the sum of sites running iPlanet-Enterprise, Netscape-Enterprise, Netscape-FastTrack, Netscape-Commerce, Netscape-Communications, Netsite-Commerce & Netsite-Communications.
Microsoft is the sum of sites running Microsoft-Internet-Information-Server, Microsoft-IIS, Microsoft-IIS-W, Microsoft-PWS-95, & Microsoft-PWS.
Platform groupings are here.
The Netcraft Web Server Survey is a survey of Web Server software usage on Internet connected computers. We collect and collate as many hostnames providing an http service as we can find, and systematically poll each one with an HTTP request for the server name.