Social network Bebo is still inaccessible after an apparent technical error took the site offline yesterday.
Bebo was previously hosted on the Akamai content delivery network, which generally increases a site’s resilience to network outages and traffic spikes, but DNS lookups for the website are currently not resolving:
$ ping ping: cannot resolve Host name lookup failure $ dig ; <<>> DiG 9.5.1-P3 <<>> ;; global options: printcmd ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
Twitter is currently awash with self-propagating rumours that Bebo has been shut down for good; however, this has been debunked by TechCrunch, which reports a Bebo spokesperson as saying the site went down due to “a technical clusterf**k“. Michael Birch, who originally founded Bebo with his wife Xochi, also tweeted that the site should be coming back in a matter of hours.