Go Daddy added more than 106k hostnames last month, surpassing Tect AG (formerly Strato) to become the second-largest provider, as measured by hostnames. Also moving up on the list was EV1Servers, which had a net gain of 36k to move past MCI into eighth place overall with 779k.
Digital Forest (Forest.net) also has a record month gaining over 61K hostnames on Windows Server 2003, with 43K moving from Ethernext. At the other end of the spectrum was The Planet which grew by over 62.6K hostnames last month, with a large influx of customers from competing hosting companies. The Dallas provider had a net gain of at least 1K hostnames from seven competitors – including EV1Servers (7.2K hostnames), BurstNet (6.9K), Onecall.net (3K), Pegasus Web Tech (1,3K), Hostway (1.3K), Managed.com (1.2K) and NetAccess (1.1K).
Our Hosting Provider Switching Analysis identifies movements of sites from one hosting provider to another. The analysis is updated monthly and is available on a company license basis. Country specific versions of the dataset are also available, please contact us for further details.